Cemetery Listings

The majority of listings are for various spellings of the surname, including Van Zandt, Van Sant, Vanzant, Vinzant, etc., and some of their immediate descendents. If you’d like to submit new listings, please follow the table format already established. Files can be submitted using tables in Word or in Excel and sent to Editor@vanzandtsociety.com

Chester Cemetery
, Chestertown, Kent County

Bass Chapel, Jackson Twp., Greene County
Various Cemeteries (Greene and Polk Counties)

New Jersey
Riverview Cemetery, Trenton

Beechwood Cemetery, Bucks County
Bensalem Presbyterian Church, Bucks County
Falls Friends Cemetery, Fallsington, Bucks County
Morrisville Cemetery, Morrisville, Bucks County
Saint James Episcopal Church, Bristol, Bucks County
Solebury Cemetery
Slate Hill (Old Stone) Cemetery, Lower Makefield, Bucks County
Tullytown Cemetery, Tullytown, Falls Twp., Bucks Co.
Vandegrift Cemetery, Bensalem, Bucks County
William Penn Cemetery, Philadelphia County, near Bucks County
